I attended the itWorks Conference last year in Columbus and sat in on a session where they talked about a FREE programming language for teaching in High School that is revolutionizing the industry. I thought I would share this with you. It's name is Alice and you can get to what you need at this link:
Alice . It is a pretty neat tool. Developed at a university and now wholly supported by an entire users group and Carnegie Mellon University. If you would like the Alice Newsletter please email me at
rkayser@greeneccco.com and I will email you the February edition.
A direct quote from the front of the book on Alice states: "Our approach allows students to author on-screen movies and games, in which the concept of an 'object' is made tangible and visible. In Alice, on-screen objects populate a 3D micro world. Students create programs by dragging and dropping program elements (if/then statements, loops, variables, etc) in a mouse bases editor that prohibits syntax errors".
Does this sound too good to be true or what. I have used Alice just a little bit. It does look good, but having been a professional computer programmer for 28+ years I am still skeptical. Will be until I dig in and actually use it. I am trying to figure out how to make this a part of my class curriculum.
Thought I would throw this out for anyone that might be interested. Free is definitely the right price. Let me know what you think!