Thursday, February 8, 2007

My Thoughts on the Breast Cancer Video

The video that Fawn showed us by Lindsey Cooper titled "Surviving the Journey" really hit home for me. Brought tears to my eyes. I have survived this scenario twice in my life with two loved ones that are very, very close to me. First, My mother (Viola Berger Kayser - see picture at right) had a radical mastectomy almost 28 years ago. At that time the surgery and the treatments for this horrible disease were no where near what they are today. The survivor rate was not a very good percent. My mother has survived and beaten Breast Cancer and I am happy to say she will celebrate her 90th birthday on March 27th. I was in my late twenties when mom had her surgery. What a devastating time that was for me. In those days when you had breast cancer you usually died. What a blessing that I still have my mother in my life.

The Second person dear to me, Melissa Fortener McGlaughlin, is the daughter of my roommate from Wilmington College. I had the pleasure of driving this beautiful baby home from the hospital in January of 1978 - the year of the blizzard. Her father's car was frozen in the parking lot and I was home for a snow day as a teacher at Valley View. I watched Melissa grow up to be a beautiful young lady. Four years ago Melissa found out she not only had breast cancer, but she found out the same time she was pregnant. Surgery and Chemo had to wait for this baby to be born. Unfortunately, the baby was born premature and lived only a couple of hours. What a tragic blow to Melissa and her family. Melissa had the mastectomy surgery and they found the cancer to be in her lymph nodes several layers deep. Not the best news to get when waking up from the surgery. Chemo followed. She beat this cancer this time! Just six months ago she found out the cancer was back. She went the chemo / radiation route again and I think she has beaten this horrible disease down one more time. What a strong young lady. She is my Hero! She proves the adage that "Attitude is Everything".

More later - I am tearing up just thinking about "Mo" (as she is known to her friends). I will include a link to her blog on Cancer awareness as well.

Here is the Link to Mo's blog on breast cancer: Please take the time to go to it. Melissa and her family do a tremendous amount of work to help fight this disease.

I have been so amazed and so impressed with the attitude that this young lady has displayed in fighting this terrible disease. Imagine at age 23 or 24 being told you have a disease that will most likely end your life. Most people would go into a "Whoa is me" mode. Melissa never batted an eye. She came out fighting. She has been the most positive and upbeat person about this. Her attitude was "I won't let this beat me". Wow - the power of the mind. The power of prayer. Please add Melissa to your prayers. She is and always will be in mine.

I hope Melissa has the same longevity that my mother has had. Twenty eight years as a breast cancer survivor. WOW! Two women that are important in my life and I am happy to say both are doing just fine.

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