Thursday, March 1, 2007

My Students Working on Their Movies

As I stated in an earlier blog, I made my Final Video project into a project for my Senior IT class. So far we have spent 8 complete class/lab periods on this. They selected their own groups of 5, with some choosing to work alone, and of course two or three stuck working together because they are left and no one selected them for a group. Funny how this worked out - I was sure I would use my "A" groups video, but in fact one group I didn't expect much out of turned in perhaps the best movie and best effort during this project. They had "WAY TOO MUCH FUN" doing this assignment. I had a ball working with them. Their video is entitled "The Pill" and is about "the affects of video games on the human brain" and the pill they created to cure this.

The group I thought would be my best is Team Awesome. Some very talented young men from four different high schools. They have not finished their video as yet. They are still working on the final touches. With this group I constantly worry about the cleanliness of their work. They love the bad words, the hip / vulgar music, and the innuendo type plot. I think I am getting credit as the "technical scrooge" from this group because I made them bleep out the F word in their favorite song and they had to clean up the plot a bit.

Max Fueger is one of my "work-alone" guys. He doesn't like to depend on others for his grade. He is doing a movie on building with plastic bricks. I had to figure out how to set the movie to use a 2 second clip of each picture instead of the 5-6 seconds it defaults to. His movie is going to be pretty cool when finished. This idea I think is stolen (as is some of his video clip ) from a project he did at his home school (Beavercreek High School). I know this because I remember my son doing something similar when he went to Beavercreek and had one particular teacher. Oh well, I didn't require that they be original.

One group of two is doing a movie titled "The Chronicles of Wimp-Man" and it is based on one student who is very large in size - and I don't mean fat. He is the one in the silly hat.
The rest of the group is shown below. Sean is large and clumsy so they decided to take advantage of that trait and make him a movie star.

My last group is also a solo in the form of Dennis Cobb.Dennis is the one in class that NOBODY wants to be stuck working with. He is very (sometimes overly) personable. In other words he never shuts up and drives everyone nuts. I kinda like Dennis. I have to ask him to lower his voice a zillion times a day, but he is a very nice young man once you get past that. I am not sure what his movie is going to be about.

Now I have to select only one to turn in for my Final. What to do ????

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