Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Blog # 4 - How will I use Newsletters Professionally?

Being a teacher and a coach offers a wide variety of areas where I can use a newsletter professionally. I would love to have a Greene County Career Center Newsletter published quarterly maybe even monthly. In fact, I think this will become an assignment for my Junior class. I can divide my 15 students into groups of 3 and give each one a section or column to write for the Newsletter. We have digital cameras to take pictures. Finding topics that are relevant to them would be the problem for me. I have learned that giving them some freedom and lattitude in this area often generates a lot more creativity and excitement about doing things. It does have to be monitored very heavily regarding content and appropriateness these days. They will put down anything that comes into their minds.

My intentions for Information Technology would be to have a section on the class itself - what is goingon in the Junior Lab and in the Senior Lab. We just finished our BPA (Business Professionals of America) regional contest and next week will find the results of who in my classes won and will advance on to the State contest. We could have a section on all of BPA at GCCC and cover other Business Academy winners. A section highlighting a student of the quarter / month that would not be written by that student. Have someone conduct an actual interview and write the article.

As a basketball Coach I am developing ( for this class assignment ) a Newsletter about the school I coach at. Most of it will pertain to my Boy's Basketball teams. Using Pictures, statictics, game summaries and highlights> Stivers is 65% through a major construction / remodel project using State and Local money. A section on the construction and a picture storyline would be a nice feature. The students and faculty moved out of the Stivers building about a year and a half ago for this construction to take place. They plan to move back in next October.

There are many ways to make use of a newsletter. Truthfully, I never realized it was as easy as it is with Microsoft Publisher. My school (GCCC) is a member of the Microsoft Alliance. Every student at GCCC receives a free copy of Windows XP Pro, Office XP Professional, and FrontPage. With Publisher being a part of Office every student will have this at home as well as on all the PC's in my classroom and lab. I hope to make good use of this.

1 comment:

onegirl4u said...

Richard, Really sounds like this computer class has been great for you. Seems like you will be able to implement the creation of newsletters in your classroom.