Tuesday, February 13, 2007

My Video is hurting!

I am now in complete PANIC mode for my first movie assignment due this Thursday. I had planned on my senior IT students doing this as a classroom assignment. We have not been in school but three days since and one of those days I had to take sophomore students that may join my program to a Tech prep Awareness Day at Sinclair College in Dayton. We missed Monday with our re-scheduled BPA Awards ceremony where we traveled to Sidney High School. I missed that as well taking my wife to have a medical procedure done where she was knocked out.

I think I will be switching to doing one on my Basketball team since I have a ton of video already shot for the games we have played.

1 comment:

Mark Masters said...

Richard, you sound like me. We have 1 day in school this week so far and my home time has been spent doing the video. I was reading your other post on the reading comprehension and I have run into the same thing with some of my students. I use a lot of study guides which makes them read to answer the questions. It works fairly well. I did get my video sent this afternoon. It took a lot of time. It turned out ok, except for the fact that I didn't get a chance to get some video done in school. Mine is all pictures. It is sort of like a PowerPoint for Media Player!!!